Cemetery & Parks Minutes

April 9, 2018
Meeting date: 
Monday, April 9, 2018

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

April 9, 2018

Kimball House


The meeting was opened at 7:08PM present were John Barrett, Tubby Boucher, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk  and Pam Haman.


Appointments: Potential new hire Aaron Wasznicky.  Roger recommended that Aaron be hired as a part time seasonal/as needed person.  John explained the type of work and job in general.  Tubby made a motion to recommend that the department hire Aaron.  John seconded all were in favor.

A brief discussion followed about seasonal help. Pam will try and put together a season help new hire packet.


Bills: reviewed and signed

Correspondence:  Reminder about the Procurement training on April 10, 2018, Roger will attend.



Sidewalks on the common: John has had further conversations with Ross Assoc. they no longer have a copy of the project specs.  The department will use the copy from August 1999 that we have on file. Pam will contact the state to see if there is anyone on the state bid list who can be used.  They may also be able to assist us in advertising in the Central Register, Mass COMMBUYS and local paper as required under the procurement laws.  There may need to be a pre site visit and bid conference for perspective companies.  Roger will work with the Highway department regarding the demolition/removal of the old sidewalks.

An article is being submitted by Sue Lisio, Board of Selectmen banning cars from driving on the common. The Commissioners have been dealing with this issue for a number of years with most organization fighting any type of restriction.  John stated that Town Meeting should decide the matter once and for all about cars on the common.

The parking lot behind the common will be graded by the Highway Department they will also put regrind down.  John made a motion in favor of having the Highway Department grade and put regrind down.  All were in favor motion carried. 

Water Riverside Cemetery: Roger explained that he would bring 500 ft of pipe coming across the back. Putting a well in would not be cost effective.  Roger will get quotes for the project.  The Commissioners approved up to $1500.00 for the project.

Arrow Septic System will be providing the port potties for the upcoming season, which goes from the week before Memorial Day to Labor Day.  Earth day will be getting their own for their event.

Spring clean up is under way. Oak Street Extension has been cleared.  Roger and crew spread the wood chips at the playground since the Playground Committee’s volunteers fell through.

Mass Cemetery Assoc. Meeting.  Reviewed the meeting with commissioners, there was lots of good information and helpful sites.  Roger will be ordering fertilizer and other supplies from the vendors at the meeting.  Ideas were also gotten for mapping the cemeteries, cataloging stones and preserving grass areas of the common.

Superintendents Report/Unforeseen:

Roger state that there is additional tree work that needs to be done in the Cemeteries.  Work from last year that wasn’t completed and additional storm damage from this winter and spring.  The one tree company never responded to the department’s letter about their interest in doing the work after the department had accepted there quote.  Roger has gotten a quote from Julian Ceike for $2800.00 to do the work.  The Commissioners told Roger to proceed and get tree work done.


The next meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2018 at 7PM.


The meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.




Pam Haman, Clerk