Cemetery & Parks Minutes

February 28, 2018
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

February 28, 2018

Kimball House



The meeting was opened at 7:12PM

 Present were, Ray Boyes, John Barrett, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk and Pam Haman.


Minutes from the 12/11/17 meeting and 2/8/18 meeting were reviewed and amended.  Pam will do corrections for March meeting.


Deeds were approved and signed.


Bills:  Bills for the month were approved and signed.  The electric bill was high this past month but weather was exceptionally cold early part of season and there were past due amounts because of when the bill is received by the department and when the check is actually issued by Town Hall.


Correspondence:  Letter was received from the state; the department was not awarded any funding during this grant round. Pam will continue to research and reach out to state contacts for potential grants in the future.

Appointments: none


Flag Committee Update:  Roger reported that the Flag Committee will be taking flags to the cleaners then storing them in the municipal garage behind Town Hall.  Al Birrille from the Flag Committee is going to Leominster Flag to look at brackets.  He is hoping to find a bracket that will allow for easier installation and removal from the poles. Six flags have been approved to be placed in front of the common.  John suggested getting the procedure in writing so that everything is clear.  Roger will clarify everything with Flag Committee then will put in writing.


Winter Operation:  The winter operations responsibilities that were written by the Jin Kreidler, Town Admin were reviewed.  The responsibilities out lining the plowing, sanding, salting of municipal parking lots and sidewalks. What equipment will be used, fuel usage and what accounts payroll will be taken from.  Roger stated that for next year he would like to properly address the on call in issue and rate of pay.


Organizational Chart: The department would like to hold a meeting on 2/28/18 with other elected boards/officials at the Town Hall to discuss the proposed changes that may be made. These changes might impact supervision and level of control.


Superintendents Report:  There are areas of the cemetery need to be blocked off since they cannot be safely made passable do to ice.  The areas with the most impact are Avenue 7-10.  The avenues could be blocked off with tape and signs.  John made a motion to allow the Superintendent to block off areas of the cemetery do to icy conditions.

Roger stated that he keeps a daily log showing the task that the department does on a daily basis.  He has been having Drew work on computerizing the cemetery maps.  The maps will be added to the town website. 


Next meeting scheduled for 3/12/18 at 7PM


Meeting adjourned at 8:15PM.




Pam Haman


accepted there quote.  Roger has gotten a quote from Julian Ceike for $2800.00 to do the work.  The Commissioners told Roger to proceed and get tree work done.


The next meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2018 at 7PM.


The meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.




Pam Haman, Clerk