Cemetery & Parks Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 5, 2018

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

November 05, 2018

Kimball House




The meeting was opened at 12:21PM present were John Barrett, Tubby Boucher, Ray Boyes, Roger Ropoza and Pam Haman


Bills to be signed 11/9/18


There were no deeds, minutes, correspondence or appointments for this meeting.


Discuss: Snow Policy

Roger stated that approximately $250-300 is being used during the plowing season by the department. The department now needs to pay for the fuel as it can no longer be reimbursed by the snow and ice account.  John felt that the department needs to be reimbursed for fuel usage.

It was generally felt that it was not a problem to use the departments trucks and equipment however if trucks/equipment needs repairing due to winter usage the snow and ice account should pay.  The department does not have funds for these types of repairs.  The Revolving and Perpetual Care funds are for cemetery use and not general use.


Roger reminded everyone that the new fire station will be coming on line and this will be another building and parking area that will need to be maintained.  There is concern that Memorial Hall Facilities personnel do not maintain that building or parking area.


Jim Stacy highway Superintendent was on speaker phone addressing the snow and ice account.  He wasn’t really sure why the fuel is no longer being paid for out of that fund.


The current policy of January 25, 2018 needs to be reviewed and updated.


Next meeting scheduled for 11/14/18 at 12PM.


Meeting adjourned 12:55PM.





Pam Haman
