Cemetery & Parks Minutes

May 2, 2019
Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

May 2, 2019

Kimball House




The meeting was opened at 6:00PM present were John Barrett, Tubby Boucher, Ray Boyes, Roger Rapoza and Pam Haman.


Bills: none

Deeds: None

Minutes: to be reviewed at regular monthly meeting




Justin Carter candidate for the temporary help position attended the meeting.  The Commissioners and Roger explained that the position is part time with variable hours Monday thru Friday depending on the weather.  The job entails various accepts of grounds keeping, band concerts and internments.  Justin did not have any concerns regarding the job environment and is available for the needed hours.


John move to approve Justin Carter as a part time non benefited employee.  Tubby second all were in favor the motion carried.


Roger will get the employment packet from Town Hall for Justin to complete.  Goal is to have Justin on board by Memorial Day.



Unforeseen:  Roger received a phone call from Derek Guild who oversees an organization that sponsors bike rides with the proceeds going to various organizations providing scholarship for youth.  The ride would start in Boston ending at the Common in Townsend.  He would like to use the common for the end of the event and have activities including food.  Roger explained the common rules and use.  It was suggested that food trucks use the back part of the common or the parking lot by the congregational church.  The event would be held in August.  Derek was given the common use form to complete and return.


Next meeting is May 8 at Noon (regular monthly meeting)


Meeting Adjourned at 6:40PM.



Pam Haman



Minutes were amended as noted above at the March 11, 2019 and approved with changes.