Cemetery & Parks Minutes

April 7, 2021
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

April 7, 2021

Kimball House


The meeting was opened at 12 noon present were, Tubby Boucher, John Barrett, Ray Boyes. Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk and Pam Haman.


Minutes: Minutes from the 3/10/21 meeting were approved with changes (delete wooden stairs by library)


Bills, Payroll and Deeds were reviewed and signed.


Correspondence and appointments none.



FY 22 Budget- There has not been any concrete information regarding the proposed budget for next year. For wages the town does not pay the states minimum wage of $13.50 per hr. for starting employees.  The town currently pays $12.90 per hr.  Roger would like to bring the starting rate for intermittent labor up to the current minimum wage of $13.90 per hr.  This may help retain/ recruit employees.  This rate may need to be revisited in November/December as it may increase each year.  John moved to increase the rate of pay to the state level of $13.50 per hour effective 7/1/21. Tubby second all were in favor.

Playground: A vigil would be help on 4/17/21 for the family who recently lost a child to a tragic accident. Vigil would be help from 6-8 on 4/17/21.   Event will comply with COVID-19 guidelines.  John moved to approve the vigil at the playground on 4/17/21.  All were in favor motion carried.

 Sidewalks- project will be starting as soon as this week and should be completed by the end of April weather permitting.

Vehicles on the common issue will need to be addressed. No private vehicles only department trucks or emergency vehicles.  Rules and Regulations to be updated and letter sent to event holders. John moved to prohibit all motor vehicles or trailers with the exception of maintenance or emergency vehicles.  Tubby second all were in favor motion carried.

Superintendents Report:

Adams Dam grant is completed.

The roads at Hillside are being redone.

New mower- the mower deck still has value and can be used as a trade-in towards a new mower.

The extensive pruning that was done last fall has been helpful in reducing the loss of tree limbs/branches.

Columbarium.  The article has been placed on the warrant for the annual town meeting. 

Next meeting May 12, 2021 at noon.


Meeting adjourned 12:47PM







Pam Haman
