Cemetery & Parks Minutes

August 18, 2021
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

August 18, 2021

Kimball House


The meeting was opened at 12:04PM present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barrett, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk and Pam Haman. 


Minutes from the following meetings were reviewed and approved 9/17/20, 10/15/20. 11/2/20, 11/19/20, 6/16/21 and 7/8/21


Bills and payroll were reviewed and approved.

Deeds were approved and signed.

Correspondence: none.


Guest/Appointments: Betty Mae Tenney, Claire Kauppi and Jerry Bozicas


Jerry attended the meeting along with Clair to explain the process/progress being made forming a Citizens Committee.  So far member includes Chris Hayes, Alisa Struthers, Kim Craven, Jerry Bozicas and Claire Kauppi. The Commissioners felt that using a name such “Friends of” not a Citizens Committee would be more appropriate.

The goal of the Committee would be to raise funds to restore and preserve the bandstand. Jerry presented photos to the group showing the bandstand over the years.  Photos started from late 1800’s or early 1900’s to mid-1900. The photos showed the various changes over the years. Some of the noted changes are ceiling may not be the original ceiling may have been changed in the 1920’s, there may not have had 4 layers of the skirt. Betty Mae noted that the presentation was nicely done however she was concerned with the back addition to the band stand.  She felt that it is important that the band stand accommodate the band.   She stated the band is now larger and needs the room of the back addition.  She felt that the Band Director should be part of these discussion as well, unfortunately he was not able to attend the meeting.

It was pointed out that the back addition was supposed to be portable and temporary however it has not worked out that way.  The addition is causing rot and decay to the band stand. Other options were discussed such as a smaller addition, aluminum bleachers, or some type of flat bed truck. 

Betty Mae stated that this was the first she had heard about the back of the bandstand being removed.  Roger did remind Betty Mae that he had spoken to her about this last week when he called to let her know about the meeting. 

Roger had both the reports from the structural engineer and lead paint engineer. There is lead paint which will need to be removed.  Ross Perry Interim TA is aware of the lead paint on band stand.  HDC may also need to approve work to the band stand. Roger will work on getting quotes fort he removal of lead paint.

After further discussion about maintaining safety the of the band stand structure. John moved

To sanction and acknowledge the volunteer groups efforts to raise funds to preserve and restore the bandstand.  All were in favor motion carried.


Sharing Employees with other departments:  Roger explained the benefit of potentially sharing department personnel.  Especially if we have part time employees that would like the additional hours and income. The BOH needs assistance at the Recycling Center on Saturdays.  Several employees expressed an interest.  This arrangement could also be helpful to the Highway Department and Town Hall Custodian.  John moved to allow the sharing of employees with other departments as long as it doesn’t interfere with Cemetery and Parks task. All were in favor motion carried.

Irrigation-Hillside Cemetery; Roger reported that the quotes for the system were expensive.  The 2 quotes he received were in the $30,000 range. Roger felt that the department could do the work, first do Avenue 5 and 6.  Then fix/repair other avenues as needed.  John moved to accept the Superintendent’s plan for repairing/replacing the irrigation system at Hillside Cemetery. All were in favor motion carried.

Adams Dam: Growth seeds/growth socks were discussed as an option for erosion control on the river bank.  There would be funds to purchase since the cost of gate has gone down.  This project definitely a learning and educational process.




Next meeting September 15, 2021


Meeting adjourned 2:05PM





Pam Haman




Meetings approved at the September 28, 2021 meeting