Cemetery & Parks Minutes

November 10, 2021
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

Nov 10, 2021

Kimball House




The meeting was opened at 7:05PM present were John Barrett, Tubby Boucher, Ray Boyes Roger Rapoza and Pam Haman.


Bills were reviewed and approved.


Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed. John moved to approve minutes.  Tubby second all in favor


Deeds none.

Appointments none




Tree trimming is in the process of being completed at the Old Burial Ground.  Roger presented a plan to have the area along the area by the tomb (old section of Hillside).  The cost will only get more expensive if we wait.  Currently there is approximately in 72,000 in perpetual care available per the Town Accountant.

John move to approve the tree trimming at Hillside Cemetery. Tubby second all were in favor.

Roger stated that he would like to begin getting the tomb from 1819 restored.  Get quotes from monument companies as the options for restoring the tomb. John may have some information about some of the names (Hastings) and Pam has been trying to research names as well.

The Adams Project is nearly completed the Gro-Sox need to be ordered and placed along the banking.  Signage also needs to be installed.  A discussion was held on the sign and language.  The logo for Scenic Rivers must be on the sign as one of the grant obligations. Other rules discussed, no fires, no camping, carry in carry out trash.  John step aside from the vote since her is a member of a volunteer militia reenactment group and felt that no fires or camping might present a conflict.   After further discussion wording would be fires and camping only with permission of cemetery/parks department.

New Water Lines-Hillside:  Avenue nine has been done and crew is working down towards Avenue 4.  The rest of the Avenues will be repaired/replaced as needed.

Bandstand Committee:  Discussion was held on the restoration/repair of the bandstand.  The FOB (Friends of the Bandstand) been meeting as a group making recommendation for restoration/repairs.  They have also been submitting the necessary forms/paper work to the Historic District Commissions for approval. The Commissioners would like to have a special meeting with just the only agenda item being the Friends of the Bandstand. A tentative fort he meeting 11/30 at 7PM


Ray will still be the go-to person to sign bills outside of the regular meeting.  However, if her is unavailable Tubby can sign in his place.


Regular monthly meeting is scheduled for 12/15/21 at 6PM (annual Xmas gathering)


Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM





Pam Haman



Approved by the Commissioners at the meeting on December 15, 2021