Cemetery & Parks Minutes

December 15, 2021
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Cemetery & Parks Meeting

December 15, 2021

Kimball House



The meeting was opened at 6:05 PM


 Present were, Ray Boyes, John Barrett, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk and Pam Haman.


Bills and Payroll reviewed and approved


Deed (s) signed


Correspondence:  Town Report is due to BOS office by 1/28/22.  Roger will have it for the January meeting.



Adams Dam Project:  The logo for the sign needs to be updated. Gro Sox have been places/planted. Lock has been ordered.  There may be additional grant funding available. 


Bandstand:  The Town did receive as $50,000 grant from state.   The Commissioners will meet with Bandstand Committee in January to discuss ideas/plans for the project. The Commissioners would like to have/see some definite plans so it will be important for the Committee to have an engineer on board.  The Commissioners will ask the FOB to attend the next meeting 1/19/22 at 7PM for further discussion.


Superintendents Report:

Roger reported that the water main project in Hillside Cemetery is really progressing.  By the department doing the project ourselves and only needing to by the supplies it greatly reduced the cost. The project will be finished in the spring.



John stated that he had received a call from the Historical Society.  The group is planning their fall fair on the Common.  They would like to have a food truck on the Common and out requesting an exemption from the “no vehicles on the common”.  Commissioners felt this would open up groups to continually ask for exemptions.  John will let the group that the food truck needs to be in the parking lot at the  of the common.


Meeting adjourned to the department’s annual Christmas gathering.


Merry Christmas to All


 Next meeting is scheduled for January 19 2022. Business meeting at 6:30PM. With FOB meeting at 7PM




Pam Haman




Minutes reviewed and approved with changes at the 1/19/22 meeting